
Who’s on First?

September 30th, 2015 by The Milestone Planner

For me, Who’s on First? by Abbott and Costello is a classic piece of script: Who’s on First? (Abbott and Costello, via the Baseball Almanac). In all the confusion that happens when you are trying to get things done, it is always good to remember that who, what, when and where are great questions for working […]

Smashing Rocks into Pebbles

January 26th, 2015 by The Milestone Planner

Some things appear impossibly hard, impossibly big. You look at them and say “how on earth can I possibly achieve that?” – and the most likely answer is that you can’t. At least not all in one go. Take a sledge hammer to that rock; grab a coffee (or a healthy glass of water :)) […]

Planning an Event

January 18th, 2015 by The Milestone Planner

Benjamin Ellis, CEO of SocialOptic, was interview by Silvia Pellegrini of EventsUncovered TV about successfully planning an event. Benjamin’s Key Points: Have a plan – not too little detail, but not too much. Focus on identifying the key milestones that will lead up to the event. Having a good, milestone-based plan helps you to see you are making progress, and […]

There Is No “Try”

January 2nd, 2015 by The Milestone Planner

We are less than a few days into the year, and I’ve heard it too much already: “This year I am trying to…” “This year I will try to…” We’ve blogged about New Year’s resolutions and New Year’s Plans before. Every time I hear those words, or watch another New Year’s resolution float past, that most famous of […]

Let it go… Let it go… Get ready for 2015!

December 24th, 2014 by The Milestone Planner

As 2014 draws into its final week, the Milestone Planner team would like to offer you our thanks and best wishes! Now is a great time to glance back at your 2014 plans. We hope that you achieved your goals and milestones for the year, but if you didn’t, then why not start 2015 with […]